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Only years, months, and days left until the end of the challenge!

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Better luck today...

Okay, I started my diet officially yesterday, and it was off to a great start. I'm doing low calorie, which worked before I got pregnant, and I still had tons left to use for the day after I ate lunch. Then I went to see my hubby at work. He's supposedly on this diet with me, but undoubtedly he didn't start yesterday! He works in a restaurant, California Dreaming, and there is very little food there that isn't high in calories. During my pregnancy I survived off of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and french fries, so I suppose he thought I still needed french fries to survive. He brought me a TON of them, along with a club sandwich (which wouldn't be so bad if modified!) slathered in mayonaise. I felt bad not eating it, so I just threw in the towel and vowed that I will do better today. So far, so good...

Oh, and K8 wants to sign on so she can post, but I have no idea what the password is, or anything else for that matter. If someone could get that to her, I'd appreciate it! Thanks!

EDITED TO ADD: Written by Christi

I think Tee will have to send her an invite to join. Check with Tee.
k8 is officially on the member list now which means she accepted the invite. There's no secret knock or anything. LOL. Just go to your dashboard where you post on your regular blog and click the Blogger Biggest Loser blog and go to "Create" post.

Only thing is remember to "sign" your post with your name!

Hubby has told me he wants to do the diet with me, too. I don't think he's really going to do it. The thing that stinks is that he does it half heartedly and loses weight. LOL. MEN!

I've worked at restaurants - that is sooo hard. Too much temptaion! Like it says in the Dr. Phil book, "If you're an alcholic, do you think it would be wise to work in liquor store?" ... LOL. I know it's unavoidable for some of us. If I ever go back to the work force it'll be hard for me not to get a job at a restaurant. First of all, it's one of the only jobs I enjoy cause I'm good at it - second those jobs are so abundant. LOL.

Shake it off about the sandwich and french fries - and remember, just because you mess up at one meal, you don't have to call it off for the rest of the day. I try to make up for it at the very next meal - get right back on track.

Keep up the good work today, Christi! :) :) :)
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