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Only years, months, and days left until the end of the challenge!

Monday, July 18, 2005

Happy Monday Morning!

I hope that everyone had a great weekend! I'm excited to start my "lifestyle" change today. I picked up the South Beach Diet book, and I believe that I will try that. Just wish me strength in the face of temptation of white flour products, as you have to cut all sugar, breads, and I think, caffine, for the first two weeks. Yesterday, I spent the day cleaning out my cabinets and consuming (i know, it's bad) the ice cream and cookies in the house so that they wouldn't be there today!

Jodi has agreed to be my partner, so I'm excited. I also have a girl at work who is interested in trying the South Beach with me, so that may make it a bit easier to keep in line during the week. I also discovered that I am a "boredome" eater, so I need to find tasks to keep myself busy in order to curb snacking. I found that yesterday, I ate and ate and ate, though I wasn't hungry. Boredome is the only reason I could find. I think during the work week will be easier for me to stick with a plan, as my days are structured at work, and I have people there to keep me in line.

Monday is a going to be a great day! ! :)


I am a boredom eater as well. I started keeping a blog with times and what I ate and that became apparent to me.
Good luck!
I'm a boredom eater, too! ... Just got to get yourself busy in something else that isn't compatible with eating. This is gross, but sometimes I'll go out in the yard and clean up the dog poop. ROFL... That is DEFINITLY incompatible with eating!

Good luck with South Beach - the first 2 weeks are the hardest but the pounds come off quickly - and the longer you're on it, the more things you get to eat.

I'm glad you have a partner now! :) I'll go change that in the sidebar... Also good someone at work is doing it, too. That really helps!

I'm rooting for you, Ruthie!
Gracias, mi amigas, for all the support! I'm trying to stay strong, but it's SOOO hard! I already cheated and ate like, the whole bag of peanuts instead of just 15 but I'm not giving up. I would have done better to not have eaten the stupid pnuts to begin with! :)
Go Ruthie Go!

I am home now so email me anytime! We can do this!
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