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Wednesday, July 20, 2005

In the News...

When I grocery shopped yesterday, I grabbed the August edition of the magazine Prevention at checkout. Last night I was reading it and was so surprised by the article on page 146 entitled, Weight loss x2 ... I was even more surprised this morning to find that it's available to read online for free! (click HERE.)

The gist of the article is that studies have shown those who partner up have more success meeting permanent weight loss goals than those who go it solo. The article even says that the buddy doesn't have to be face to face - even online buddies work!

Great news for us! :)


I agree with the prevention article! My friend and I have been walking (now walking/running/sprinting) since March. If it weren't for her I would of quit and vice versa. We plan on running in a 5k in September. It's no longer all about weight loss (well most of it is) but a lot about being healthy. You guys have a great thing going here. Best of luck
Andrea - You guys are giving it right back to me! And I want everyone to remember that I wouldn't have done this if Sandy hand't offered to be my buddy and Zoe wouldn't have suggested a competition... I love how the Internet can bring such things together :)

immortal beloved - very true!

mt in de - That's great! Best of luck to you, as well!
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