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Only years, months, and days left until the end of the challenge!

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Ok...this is what I did:)..christina

Today was pretty good..

For breakfast I had a coule pancakes with lite syrup and some water
For lunch I had an eggsalad sandwhich and a handful of pretzels
dinner I had some meat with red peppers raosted in my pan..yum..
for snack i shared an orange with the baby..

I worked out on the tredmill fro only 15 minutes(my unjury was hurting..i never should of started running,,dumb ole me)....then i did a half hour of weight traning....that was it for the night...

headed off to bed..hope everyone is doing well..Keep up all you good work


As I said on your other blog, good for you doing 15 minutes! It's more than I did. And with kids, anything is an accomplishment!!
Christina! That is an AWESOME start! Great job! :)

If you have access to a pool - that's "safer" exercise on old injuries. (I've got plenty of those, too!)
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