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Only years, months, and days left until the end of the challenge!

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Tuesday is much easier than monday!

I had the most HORRIBLE caffine headache yesterday, but woke up fine today, and ready to say NO to the temptations that surround me. I'm sticking with the diet, and have only eaten what I should have.....20 minutes ago, they were offering free icecream sandwichs at the office..."i am STRONGER than the ice cream sandwich. I will NOT succumb to temptation". I'm good, and i would KILL for a reeses cup right now, but is prison really that much better? Sure the portions would be controlled, and I'm sure I would get alot of exercise running for my life, but I know that as a fairskinned blonde, i won't be able to carry off the orange jumpsuits, so I guess it's a trade off!

Jodi--good job on limiting the portions, chica! I know I haven't really utilized the whole "buddy" system yet, but when I get ready to fall off of my wagon, your hand is the one that i'm going to be reaching for! :)


Ruthie - I just came in here to get myself away from the kitchen. There is nothing good to eat because I will grocery shop this evening. The only thing that looked good was ice cream (and it's not even diet). I resisted too, and now I'm glad I did because of your post :)

You're doing fantastic and I'm so glad the headache has gone today!
i'm glad that I could inspire you to say "no" to the evil ice cream that beckons us to hope so merrily away from all that we believe in :) hang in there,'re doing great so far! :) i have faith in you!
that should have said "hop so merrily away from all that we believe in" i'm such a dork.
dang you for mentioning ice cream sandwiches and reeces!
Ruthie - buy some caffiene tablets or take Excedrin Miagraine. It will help - trust me on this. I have faced the withdrawal with and without it. With is better.
Yea Ruthie!!!!! I am dancing with joy that you had a great day! I will be here when you feel like you are going to fall, never fear!

Keep it up and in a week you will wonder what you thought would be so hard about losing weight!
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