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Only years, months, and days left until the end of the challenge!

Monday, August 01, 2005

just how many calories ARE there in a ruthie?

OMG<> you guys are so WRONG!

so I just realized today that I neglected to tell you guys that I was taking a mini-vacay from the office. Unfortunately, my diet took a mini-vacay with me. I did do 10 whole days on Southbeach prior to my lapse (but it was peer pressure--i SWEAR), but on Thursday, I'll restart the first phase again. This time should be alot easier, since i already know what to expect, and what i can and cannot eat. Right now, I'm in offsite work training where my meals are provided and I can't request special food, so Thursday is my first day again. I promise :)

Anyways, i hope that everyone is good, and I have missed you guys (alot) see how good my willpower is when I am away from this place!

Jodi, your picture is're so freaking TAN! I expose my legs (ie--the great whites) to the sun, and I can blind passing aircraft!

and Tee---well, seriously need some help!

Andrea--noone is let down by you! cheer up!

I'll post again soon, girls! and thanks for missing me! :-)


Oh sure! Like we are supposed to believe this story!? ;)

I still think you were hiding in the closet with some chocolate! ;)

See you soon, Ruthie!
We've missed you girl! That sucks when meals are provided and you can't request anything special. I'm a very picky eater and that kind of thing always irritates me. I usually bring a backup in case I don't like what they are having.
LOL... Be quiet and get back in my belly!


Ok, ok, you're doing well! Keep it up Ruthie!
Tee you are too funny!

At least you don't have to worry about ALL THOSE CALORIES now. LOL
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