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Only years, months, and days left until the end of the challenge!

Thursday, September 29, 2005

hey peeps

I hope all of you are doing good on your weight loss.

i am not sure how i am doing,,I have been so freaking deperssed lately that I am even scared to weigh myself...I have not been eating bad..but i have been a bit laxadasical on my workouts.

being deperssed..then feeling like a fat cow on top of that dont add up to good times..ya no??

still down a partenr..i dont know what happen to Mellissa..I know she has been dealing with things over the hurricnae and what not so I am sure she has more improant things to worry about.

if anyone wants a partener let me know...i mean i knolw its not nessacry...but its sometimes nice to have someone help keep you motivated..

well have a good one..i will check back in later


I'm sorry you're feeling down. I go back and forth every other day. One day sad and binging and other days happy and trying to eat healthy. I'm not getting anywhere. Post in here any time you need support and I'll comment until you get another partner or Melissa returns. {hugs}

Maybe take a walk and get some sunlight!
I am sorry that you have been depressed! I know that everyone here is so nice and understanding! We only see and know you as being AWESOME!! So, if you ever want to talk or vent, just let us all know. Good luck.
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