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Wednesday, September 14, 2005

my trainer check-in

Ok, I saw my trainer tonight. Here's the breakdown:

I lost 3.5 inches.
I lost 1% body fat.
I gained 4 lbs.

The weight gain is muscle from where I've been using the elliptical machine. According to my trainer, the more time I build up on the ellipical machine, the more muscle gain and weight loss I'll see in the future.

Tonight, instead of doing weights, I did 18 mins on the ellipitcal, and 15 mins on the treadmill. I wish I was seeing more tangible results, but I do feel better. The gym is also my stress reliever from the atmosphere of work.

Maybe I'll have a better check in on my next appointment at the beginning of November, because I plan to stay dedicated to 3+ days a week.


Ruthie, I know that it is hard when we don't see the weight numbers going down. How awesome though that you have totally lost inches and body fat! You probably LOOK like you have lost at least 10 lbs. with all of the muscle toning that you have been doing! Keep it up! :)
Wow Ruthie! That is some major inch lossage! ;)

I know how hard it is to see that scale not budge, but have faith, if you are losing inches and body fat you will soon see those numbers begin to plummet.

I am still here cheering you on!
Give me an R, Give me a U, Give me a T, Give me an H, Give me an I, Give me an E! What's that spell?

Goooooooo Ruthie!
Thanks guys! :)

i know i'm a wee bit discouraged, but i'm going to try hard to stick with this. i've been a bit laissez faire with it lately, but now i want to be dedicated.

Ahh, my own personal cheerleaders! :) yay, me!
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