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Only years, months, and days left until the end of the challenge!

Friday, October 07, 2005


Hello there !
I happen to be probably the youngest here. Dieting and exercising occured to me two months back, when I weighed around 68 kg . I am 62 now ! but I am losing patience now, thought checking on people I can relate to in terms of losing weight can help me alot to continue and reach my optimum weight which 54 kg.

Hi there. How old are ya? If you are new, welcome aboard!
I can't count in kg, but since you are young, just be sure that you love yourself, seriously. Too many girls are so hard on themselves expecting to look like the girls in magazines. The girls in magazines are edited with computer programs to look like that. They're not perfect either!

Eat a balanced diet and exercise moderatly and you'll be setting up healthy habits for a lifetime!

Welcome :)
Thank you:)
I was so caught in earth quake trauma that i forgot to check my post. Thank God we are safe.
Mandi, i am 17.
Nice blog you have here. I found your site while searching on phobias.
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