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Only years, months, and days left until the end of the challenge!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Hi Everyone

Okay first I want to say that despite going to Hawaii I am still at my same weight-which is good. I felt bloated when I was there but I always do when I fly somewhere. Its like I get on the plane and I bloat. Weird.
Second I want to tell Christine what a great job she is doing and third I wanted to ask Bav what Body for life is and why it works so well for her? I am always looking for something that might work for me! I ran in Hawaii and almost killed myself. Too hot to run outdoors. So the next day I ran on the treadmill but its so dang Hot even in the gym-I was sweating up a storm. Its so hard to work out when your on vacation drinking Mai Tais. So I am back to the drawing board. But like I said I at least didn't put on weight! Now if I can just get past the pumpkin pie. I have decided to go for a hike or do something in the morning on Thursday. Just to move. At least it will make me feel better! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Was Hawaii nice? How could it not be! :)

Good plan for Thanksgiving. I think a pre or post lunch walk is a great idea. Just remember, one meal or one day isn't going to kill you. So don't throw it down the tubes if you enjoy yourself a bit. :)

Happy Thanksgiving! :)
wow hawaii..i am jelous..

am will be walking too...gotta or my pants wont fit..LOL

keep up the great work
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