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Only years, months, and days left until the end of the challenge!

Thursday, December 29, 2005

doing my last check in peepd

so I know the contest ends a few short I am getting my results on now..

when we started this contest I was appr 177
today I am 164....I know its not a whole lt, I did gAIN 3 POUNDS OVER THE HOLIDAY SEASON.....

I have not really went down any pants size or anything, and you I look about the same..Which is depressing all in itself...

I am going to conuite my plans for losing more weight....I have always been an excersie junkie..but I am going to start stepping it up a notch..thats all..

I am doing more weight trianing and toning now.....So we will see what happens..

I hope everyone had succuss....and keeps up all thier hard work
Peace out..

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