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Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Tonight there is an entire box of chocolate chip cookies sitting in my pantry that hubby just opened. Tonight there is a box of brownie icecream in my freezer. Tonight after dinner I just had my cup of tea and nothing since. I seriously feel like there's a lil' angel and devil on either shoulder. One tells me "it'll just be ONE cookie"... the other says "be strong! it ain't worth it!" Right now I'm siding with the angel. But she looks like a mean schoolteacher with a tight bun, frownie face and a ruler to whap me with.. and I want to rebel! I guess like a schoolteacher would say "if you break the rule you're only hurting yourself"...... (sigh) will refrain... will refrain..

*L* I feel your pain! Having the "evil" stuff in the house is the hardest part!

Good for you!
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