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Only years, months, and days left until the end of the challenge!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Hey peeps

ok doing a check in..

I hope all of you are doing well..I did sign up for that Discovery Health challenge thing...I have been doing the work outs they recommend everyday...And thensome..

I am going to start posting more in my weight loss blog....I hope that will help...

Today I did 20 minutes on my treadmill, did my leg weights, and did some jump roping..Ya no jump roping burns more calories in a half hour than jogging....I try to do 500 jumps a day....I love jump roping, some might not..

I want to have lost the rest of my weight by my birthday in May...My dad is getting married in November so I hope definitely by then I have it banished for good....

I need some motivation...Any encouragement would be helpful..haha

Love to all

Okay Christina where are you hiding that weight loss blog of yours? Just think if you lost a couple of pounds a week-think of how you will look in May for your fathers b-day? Awesome is all I can think of.
That's awesome! ... I used to jump rope when I was little but when I grew boobs it wasn't so fun anymore. I'm a DD - bleh. Maybe when I get thinner that'll drop. Do you have some kind of special bra you'd recommend? That's one of my biggest barriers to exercising (my boobs), believe it or not! LOL.
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