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Only years, months, and days left until the end of the challenge!

Friday, January 27, 2006

If I've learned anything this week...

it's that you NEVER EVER tell the people you work with you are on a diet. When you do, even those you consider your friends will find subtle ways to sabotage you in your weak moment.

Case in point: Today, I come to work and am confronted with 12 minions of hell in the form of Krispy Kremes. Why would someone you consider a friend attempt to sabotage you in this way?

Yesterday, this same friend tried to get me to eat ice cream and other candy because we were working late, and the vending machine choices are limited. I opted for the sugar-free/fat-free ice cream bar that was offered (actually it was really good). I also had two squares of a chicken quesadilla that was left-over from her lunch. I only had this because I'm attempting to adhere to the eating every 4 hours, and it had been 6.5 hours since I had lunch. Then she tries to tell me that I don't need any dinner, because I had two peices of quesadilla and an ice cream bar. Everyone knows that this is not a sufficient meal!

So, not only is this person sabotaging me, she is subtly insulting me as well. Is it because she's angry with me? Is she jealous? Or is she just being mean and petty because she wants me to fail? It's not as if this girl is thin (she could stand to lose about 40 lbs herself), so it looks like she would want me to succeed, especially since I thought it would be easier to support each other at work. Usually, she's the one walking around saying how fat she is, and how much weight she needs to lose. Now that I'm making more of an effort, she's working against it. I just don't understand!

Thankfully, another co-worker is lending support, and we both have turned our backs on the Krispy Kremes, and we have banded together to stay strong today. Even though the KK's are on the Table. Right. Behind. Me.


oh yes people do try to sabotage you but this girl is not even being subtle. stay strong. look at it is a "ha Ill show you!"
Good girl - Ruthie. I NEVER EVER tell my MIL that I'm trying to lose weight. Whether it's a concious decision or not - people - especially women - WILL ABSOLUTLY sabotage you. When MIL finds out I'm losing weight all of a sudden she's offering to cook pupusas (a fattening food from her country), and is bringing home cookies from her work ("Someone gave these to me. Do you want them?") ... it seems like pure evil, doesn't it?
Girls are brutal! *L*

Not us though, we've got your back!

if you need some pick me up emails or even some support to get you through the work day free feel to shoot me an email. I am on my computer a lot at work and at home so am often accessible.

You are doing awesome by not succumbing to the pressure that this person is trying to push on you. They obviously have their own self image issues!
I never tell ANYONE except Andi and my SIL. Everyone else would just be watching - I hate watchers. Waiting for me to fail.

You can do it Ruthie. Turn your back!
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