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Only years, months, and days left until the end of the challenge!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Just call me Fatty McButterball!

I'm a slacker. I'm a slug. I'm a huge slacker hermit slug.

I feel no desire to sweat. When I do go to the gym, I have to fight myself the entire trip. It's a struggle with myself to put on my gym clothes. Then, the whole 2 mile trip I try to convince myself that I want to be ANYWHERE but there. I pull into the parking lot, and STILL I'm fighting with myself to take the keys out of the ignition and walk into the building instead of throwing the car in reverse and pealing out of there like some obscure Dukes of Hazard reference. When I drive by Taco Bell, I have to look straight ahead and not to the left or the right, or else I'll find myself pulling into the drive through.

Foodwise, I discovered Jennie-O premade turkey burger patties. It's a no-think meal. Four minutes on the George Foreman grill, and I'm good to go, at least for protien. I have also discovered whole wheat tortillas, and it's been WEEKS since I've even bought a loaf of bread (and that was the 9 grain twigs and nuts kind of bread anyways). There's been a serious lack of veggies in my diet lately. Besides various forms of turkey (ground, patty, sausage) and the ham and swiss I bring in my lunch, I don't know what I've been eating. Weird. I guess cereal and mini-bagels (my one bread concession), and mozzerela string cheese sticks.

Anyways fellow bloggers, I'm sorry I have failed you. I hope one day to return to my former ways, become dedicated to the gym again, and once again be in your good graces.

Im confused. Are you giving up?!? It's hard Ruthie but you can do it.
i'm not giving up. i'm still eating healthy. i just lost motivation along the way. i guess after so long of seeing no discernible results has me down. i want instant gratification, and though i know it's not possible, i'd like to see some sort of reward for it, and since nothing is forthcoming, i get discouraged.

am i making any sense? i think i'm just burned out.
Ruthie, I have been doing this for almost 4 YEARS with no results. I am frustrated but I just keep finding some new motivation and/or exercise to keep me interested. Today it is a treadmill, tomorrow who knows? But if nothing else I keep it up for my heart. It is a muscle I can't see but I know it is getting healthier because the doctors tell me it will. :)

Keep it up girl!
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