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Only years, months, and days left until the end of the challenge!

Friday, March 03, 2006

Last night...

I went to the gym is what is surely 3 weeks. I am proud of myself for sucking up my fear/doubt/insecurity (which oddly enough, has just developed in the past 3 weeks or so).

I lifted weights, and I ran on the eliptical. Because of not going, I reduced my weights by 2.5 lbs on each arm, and by 5lbs on each leg. On the elipitical, I began conversing with the woman on the machine next to me. For the entire 30 mins I was on there, I didn't look at my display. When the 2 minute cool down beep occured, I checked my progress--I had done 3.06 miles in 28 minutes. by the end of the cooldown, I had hit 3.11 miles in 30 minutes. I think that this is my BEST TIME EVER on the machine for distance in 30 minutes. For not having worked out for 3 weeks, I think it rocked.

I was feeling pretty good last night, I ate healthy, took a nice long shower, slept good. Today started okay--no residual effects, woke up, work on time, had a bagel (okay, that was bad). As the morning has progressed, I've noticed that my arms are slowly beginning to stiffen. By the end of the day, will I be frozen into an immobile lump?

Anyways, I do feel better today than I have felt in a while. I made an appointment for a physical, but the earliest I could get in was May 5! At least I have two months to get back into reasonable health before I see her. I only wish it could have been earlier.

I hope that everyone has a terrific weekend. Aisha, Perri, Tee, and everyone else--you guys are doing GREAT JOBS! I think I'm back on the wagon today, and I plan to stay there. Thanks again for all of your support!


YEA Ruthie!!!!! You Rock! And yes you will become an immobile lump after a workout like that but you can always take a hot bath tonight!

Keep up the great work Ruthie!
Woohoo - good for you for not giving up!
awwwweee! you GUYS!! *blush* thanks! :)
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